Bob Hawke
Bob Hawke's memorial service reminded all of us what is achievable with vision, determination and cooperation. Bob was this person who raised the aspirations of our nation, got us to set bigger objectives and bigger tasks but provided us with the inspiration to achieve them. Education, the Environment, Social Welfare, Medicare, a new National Anthem, Nelson Mandela, Tiananmen Square, a Treaty with the first Australians, and of course Hawke's famous "any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum" comment following Australia II winning the America's Cup will stay with us all. Known for his love for a beer and holding an impervious guiness world record, he decided to give up the grog cold turkey, and never had a drop for the whole period he was in parliament. No Saint but a man who opened Australia to the rest of the world and loved this country to the depths and breadths and height that his life could give as his great mate Bill Kelty remarked, and he was loved in return. Thank you for everything you ever did, Bob.