S.A.'s McMahon Elected Federal President

  • 19 August 2013
Jan McMahon

The AEC has now declared the election of South Australian Secretary Jan McMahon as our new SPSF Group Federal President of the Community and Public Sector Union.  The President is elected by all Federal Councillors and our congratulations are extended to Jan who has been our S.A. Secretary since 1993.  Jan replaces former NSW Secretary John Cahill in the role.

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Declaration of Results for Uncontested Offices

Below are the results of the election for the following offices, conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and the rules of the organisation.


Federal President


As the number of nominations accepted did not exceed the number of positions to be filled, I declare the above candidates elected.


Jeff Webb
Returning Officer
19 August 2013