Federal Fund 2013/14 Accounts & Activities
CPSU is a professional and industrial organisation, registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations Act) 2009, and our concise financial report and the operations of the Federal office is provided for our members. The surplus attributed to members for the year was $460,516 compared with a $166,874 deficit last year. Total assets increased by 27% or $406,412 from $1,490,777 in 2013 to $1,897,189 this year. Highlights of the year have included completing enterprise bargaining for AHPRA in South Australia, New South Wales and Tasmania and ongoing work in Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory and the ACT. The work in the various states on enterprise bargaining saw over 28 EBA's being negotiated across the country but with the vast majority (20) being in Victoria given the referral. Bargaining was also undertaken at Acacia private prison in Western Australia for a new Agreement. Assistance was provided to the Norfolk Island Public Service Association in their remuneration review with the the Norfolk Island Administration which resulted in pubic employees on the island being awarded salary increases of 7%. Higher education activity was also a focus of the year with the federal office assisting the NSW Branch with matters at both Macquarie University and the University of NSW. Extensive work was done to consolidate the unions coverage for entities that were privatised, corporatised or became fderal system employers as a result of the use by the Commonwealth of the Corporations power of the Constitution. This includes but is not limited to work to amend our rules to facilitate the amalgamation of the Western Australian Prison Officers Union (WAPOU) which was successfully completed early in 2014. Assistance was also provided to the Branches on matters relating to the NSW disability sector, our coverage in Queensland generally, including private prisons specifically and to negotiate demarcation settlements with a number of unions in relation to matters such as AHPRA members in Queensland.