New Federal Secretary
The Australian Electoral Commission began counting the votes last week and has now declared Karen Batt as the new CPSU SPSF Group Federal Secretary.
The final count was:
Karen BATT 7,864 (45%)
David CAREY 6,653 (38%)
Belinda SUGDEN 2,930 (17%)
Congratulations to Karen, who is also our Victorian CPSU Secretary and will take up the Federal Secretary role in an honorary capacity jointly with her Victorian responsibilities.
The Federal union plans to develop a nationally co-ordinated and targeted response to the attacks that are currently being made by State Governments on the job security and terms and conditions of our members.
There is much work to be done to build our union as a strong voice and key player on the national scene.
For Karen’s analysis of the challenges facing the public services nationally see Big Society, Brighter Future, Less Government for All, Four Pillars, Privatisation, Sustainable Government, Better Services – What they all have in common.