Child Protection Practitioners Gather

  • 22 February 2018

State branch representatives from child protection came together in Melbourne to talk about their experiences and the similar issues like unsustainable workload, stress and under-staffing, to find a solution.  Workers need a sustainable workforce in order to keep children safe.  Thanks Community and Public Sector Union (spsft) Tasmania for bringing your hearts! ♥️


Carillion Collapse a Warning

  • 2 February 2018

“The collapse of Carillion in the UK should be seen as a warning to Governments of all jurisdictions to place a moratorium on the current obsession with outsourcing and privatising public sector work.  It's not just the collapse of one company and its impact on the services it was delivering on behalf of Government, but the impact for some 20,000 employees who now have a cloud over their futures, for subcontractors and other providers of services to the prime contractor that are also now in doubt.”

Moratorium on Sell-Offs says Inquiry

  • 23 January 2018

Politicians at all levels of government are recklessly privatising our public services. The Turnbull government has directed the Productivity Commission to conduct an inquiry into how to further privatise our public services, without looking at whether handing over control of our services to corporations is in the best interest of all Australians.

Federal Council in Melbourne

  • 14 December 2017

Public services is about people and better communities not big corporations interested only in profits and shareholders so it was no surprise that tackling tax evasion and corporate greed, fighting for fair trade agreements, the ACTU's change the rules campaign, and privatisation, were all topics canvassed which made for a great day with many ideas generated and loads of enthusiasm at our recent Federal Council meeting in Melbourne.

Operating Report for 2017

  • 30 October 2017

The Federal Executive is pleased to present the Operating and Financial Report for 2017.   A large part of the work of the Federal Office has been assisting Branches with a myriad of obligations, case work and advice ranging from liaising with the FWC on Right of Entry permit obligations.  Development continued for 3 branches on the new upgraded membership data base due to go live in late November 2017.  Rule change cases were also undertaken for a number of Branches who sought to f

Taking Back Control

  • 20 October 2017

I want to talk about how members and delegates can get involved and take back control of the public debate about the value of quality Public Services and they role they play in our lives be that through the dignity of work or by providing the dignity of universal access to public services when in need.  Before we look at what we can do we need to take stock of what has happened to our services and what this has meant for real people who work in them or who need them.  A delegate once said to me, during a dispute over the privatisation of their jobs, why is that public serva

Thumbs Up by CSA Delegates to New 2-Year EA

  • 27 September 2017

A new two-year enterprise agreement (EA) covering Western Australia's 40,000 state public sector workers which provides preference for permanent employment over fixed term, casual, labour hire and contract for service engagement has received in-principle agreement from CPSU/CSA delegates.  The in-principle agreement provides a $1,000 pay rise effective from June 13, 2017, and a second $1,000 pay rise scheduled for June 13, 2018 as well as 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave, stronger redundancy and redeployment clauses and more transparency on the use of fixed term contracts and
