S.A.'s McMahon Elected Federal President

  • 19 August 2013
Jan McMahon

The AEC has now declared the election of South Australian Secretary Jan McMahon as our new SPSF Group Federal President of the Community and Public Sector Union.  The President is elected by all Federal Councillors and our congratulations are extended to Jan who has been our S.A. Secretary since 1993.  Jan replaces former NSW Secretary John Cahill in the role.

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Declaration of Results for Uncontested Offices

Senate Resolution Supports State’s Servants

  • 27 June 2013
Senator Claire Moore

A landmark resolution passed by the States’ House yesterday seeks to end decades of difficulties for public sector workers by seeking to invoke our international obligations to address the unique nature of Crown employment. 

CPSU Federal Secretary Karen Batt said, "the resolution, moved by Queensland Senator Claire Moore, acknowledges the disadvantage state employees endure just because their employer, as the Crown, is legislator and policy determiner."

"The extent of the current job cuts and mass redundancies by State Governments are unprecedented in recent history.”

Complete Whitewash on State Employee Protections

  • 19 June 2013

The Senate tabled its 15-page report in parliament yesterday consisting of a majority report compiled by three Coalition and two ALP members, and a dissenting report from the Greens following the inquiry into state public sector workers' conditions of employment.  The report included no recommendations for reform.  The Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations References Committee received 39 written

Mutual Concept Just Service Privatisation

  • 14 May 2013

The push is on in earnest for PSM's to deliver public services but as the case studies from the UK and the recent announcements in NSW highlight, the privateers have just come up with a new friendly sounding model of their old agenda to transfer public resources to private corporations.  Former Greiner Cabinet Secretary Gary Sturgess has arrived back in Australia after ten years in the UK as ED at the Serco Institute, and a short stint across the ditch, to advise the NSW, Victorian and Queensland conservative government's about his free market philosphies on front-line service delivery.  Hi

Libs Hate Public Services - It's in their DNA

  • 22 March 2013


In 1990-91 a group of employer organisations commissioned the Tasman Institute/ Institute of Public Affairs to develop a blueprint for reforming the Victorian economy.

The Tasman had been founded by Michael Porter

Those recommendations fundamentally overturned accepted orthodoxies of economic management.

Those recommendations attacked the role of the State as a supplier of goods and services.

Federal Council Meets in Melbourne

  • 1 March 2013
fedcouncil delegates discuss State Govt attacks on Jobs & Services
aerial view of Melbourne's CBD loking over the 'G"
ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver sets out the peak bodies campaign focus
fedcouncil delegates discuss prvatisation and the prolific expansion of labour hire

CPSU's Federal Councillors representing all States gathered in Melbourne today to plan the year's campaigning activities.  Recently elected FedSec Karen Batt outlined plans for a comprehensive push around our Senate Submission 'wrestlingthe sovereign' suggestions for legislative amendments to protect State PS employees.  ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver attended and outlined the peak union's strategies for 2013 specifically with a Federal Election due in September.  Jobs, Services, Budget cuts, Bargaining, Workload, Labour Hire, Privatisation and Contestability were all common issues discussed as

Senate Inquiry

  • 8 January 2013
Tom Lynch, Jan McMahon & Karen Batt - Fed Executive

a big 2013 lies ahead with the Senate inquiring into growing job losses and the difficulties state PS employees face in bargaining.

The conditions of employment of state public sector employees and the adequacy of protection of their rights at work as compared with other employees

Terms of Reference

New Federal Secretary

  • 13 December 2012

The Australian Electoral Commission began counting the votes last week and has now declared Karen Batt as the new CPSU SPSF Group Federal Secretary.

The final count was:

Karen BATT            7,864 (45%)
David CAREY        6,653 (38%)
Belinda SUGDEN   2,930 (17%)
