Rebuild Our Economy. Can You Help?

  • 12 May 2020

Australian Unions have released a comprehensive blueprint for rebuilding the economy and restoring jobs in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.  Before the virus we were living with the devastating effects of thirty years of trickle-down economics: a decimated social safety net, millions of people in insecure work, and stagnant wage growth.  Returning to business as usual is not good enough.  This is our opportunity to build an economy that works for everyone.

Early Super Access Frozen after Fraud

  • 8 May 2020

Unions and federal Labor has called on the Federal Government to explain the full extent of the theft from superannuation accounts of Australians and a full review of the scheme as federal police investigate up to 150 fraudulent withdrawals.  More than 1 million Australians have sought to withdraw nearly $10 billion from their retirement savings with workers made redundant being allowed to withdraw up to $10,000 from their super before June 30, and another $10,000 after 1 July.

Making the Same Mistake Twice

  • 16 April 2020

With Australia's economy sinking quickly into a COVID-19 recession, and governments allocating vast new sums to programs to protect Australians against the health and economic effects of the pandemic, an old-fashioned impulse to adopt fiscal austerity is becoming visible among some governments. In particular, leaders of several governments (federal, state and municipal) have already announced plans to cancel normal pay rises for their public servants.

JobKeeper Payment Key Points

  • 9 April 2020

The scale of this union-won package is unprecedented. The JobKeeper wage subsidy, along with the JobSeeker payment, will transform lives and bring many workers and their families back from the brink of economic ruin. If the union movement had not won this fight, workers would be receiving the old Newstart allowance of $40 per day. Now they will get up to double that on JobSeeker as well as no less than $150 per day if they are on JobKeeper. We are calling on every employer who has let staff go or stood staff down to apply for JobKeeper. All employers need to step up.

Regulation 121(4) Notice of the lodgment of an eligibility rule application

  • 8 April 2020

CPSU has lodged an application with the Fair Work Commission to alter its eligibility rule seeking consent to extend our coverage to persons employed or engaged to work in any private prison or correctional facility in South Australia.  Questions about the application can be directed to Mark Perica of the SPSF Group


COVID-19 WFH and Special Leave Provisions by State

  • 27 March 2020

CPSU has collated the working from home arrangements and adapted provisions across each State. Casual and fixed term employees have been protected and paid special leave for up to 20 days is available in NSW, Western Australia, and Victoria, with 15 days in South Australia.  This also includes an overview of information available from other unions. Information is changing rapidly as more services are put on pause so we're hoping the information here is as relevant as it can be.


Exclusion from the workplace

Coronavirus OHS Alert

  • 16 March 2020

Coronavirus is a group of viruses which normally cause mild illness, with symptoms similar to a common cold. A new strain, COVID-19 was first identified in December 2019 in Hubei Province, China. It is very different from, and more serious than, the usual seasonal influenza outbreaks that happen every year. Symptoms can include a fever, fatigue, dry cough, difficulty breathing and will be accompanied by a fever. Symptoms take an average of 5 days to begin – this differs to flu viruses which tend to incubate very quickly.

Cashing in on Privatisation

  • 3 March 2020

Around the world corporations are cashing in by privatising public services including prisons and detention services - and with horrific results.  That's why PSI is launching a global campaignPrivatisation is a disaster for workers, communities and for those detained in private prisons.  Private prisons consistently lead to worse conditions, under-staffing, overcrowding and warped incentives: more prison inmates means more profits.  Even w

Emergency Services Summit in Canberra

  • 6 February 2020

Workers have been dealing with the bushfire crisis all summer whether directly fighting the fires or working to support fire affected communities with evacuation, loss and recovery.  We flew to Canberra for the Emergency Services Summit to air our views and put our ideas forward to tell the Morrison Government to stop the politics and get on with supporting people affected by the bushfires and rebuilding the country.  Our firefighting worker delegation was exhausted but each were excited to contribute their ideas.  Instead, workers were met with an empty seat from the Morrison Government as
