Donate now to Support People in Ukraine

  • 3 March 2022

People in Ukraine are in grave danger of physical harm, families have fled their homes seeking refuge in neighbouring countries, and others are sheltering from bombs falling in major cities.  Normal working life has been forced to stop.

How trade unions are supporting Ukraine

The ITUC’s Ukrainian member organisations FPU and KVPU are providing support to families who desperately need assistance with:

The People of Tonga Need Our Help

  • 31 January 2022

On Saturday 15 January 2022, the neighbouring Pacific Island nation of Tonga was hit by a catastrophic volcanic eruption, with shock-waves felt around the globe.  The eruption was followed by a tsunami, furthering the scale of what is an unprecedented disaster.  One immediate impact was the communication blackout, with access to the internet and telecommunications being affected, posing complications for relief missions, and cutting Tonga off from the wider world.

Changes to Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment

  • 14 January 2022

Pandemic Leave Disaster payment is a payment available to workers who are required to self isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19, or care for someone required to do so.  Eligibility criteria may vary slightly across states and territories. #1  The following changes to the Pandemic Leave Payment have been announced by the Federal Government.  The payment is now $750 for a 7-day period (which reflects current isolation and quarantine requirements). #2  A second application may be made if required to isolate or quarantine for longer

Australia used to have the most secure jobs in the world

  • 20 December 2021

Whether it's casualised jobs with less rights, labour hire that underpays for the same job, part-time work without meaningful guaranteed hours, or years of low pay growth, insecure work is a serious problem for our community.  People with insecure work can’t plan their lives, struggle to pay their rent or mortgages, always worry if they’ll have enough to pay the weekly bills. Having a secure job is connected to so many basic things – mental health, food, housing.

Pandemic Response a Focus of our Year

  • 9 November 2021

The release of our audited accounts and operating report for the previous financial year shows the overarching and significant factor in our work this financial year has been the pandemic. The various industrial and health and safety issues that arose for hotel quarantine staff, contact tracers, prison officers, occupational health and safety inspectors, health workers and child protection workers to name but a few, have been our main focus.
