Making Multinationals Pay their Fair Share

  • 22 January 2024

Tax avoidance by multinational corporations reduces the funding available for the essential public services that we all rely on and much more needs to be done to tackle tax dodging.  Increasingly our members are facing tighter budgets which impact on the ability to meet the community’s needs in many areas.  Australians need stronger laws and more transparency on multinationals tax affairs in order to raise the additional revenue needed for public investments that will create a better society and stronger economic future for all of us.

Prison Officers plea for new laws

  • 6 January 2024

Our NSW Public Service Association is advocating for the implementation of national laws to ensure the protection of officers using lethal weapons following the death of an inmate.  NSW Public Service Association’s general secretary Stewart Little said while the case happened in his state there were implications for prison officers and other law enforcers nationally in use of force.  Moving high-risk convicted criminals through the community for medical, legal or funeral attendance will need new laws to give officers confidence to use lethal force to prevent an escape he said.

Blanket Public Sector Wage Policy Dismantled

  • 19 December 2023

The WA government has abandoned its blanket, public sector-wide wages policy, instead opting to return to individual negotiations with unions.  Premier Roger Cook said the move will allow more flexibility in negotiations and allow for "fair but financially sustainable" increases.  In recent years the government has negotiated conditions and bonuses with individual unions, but locked in a set pay rise for more than 140,000 public sector staff.  Cook said moving away from all public sector workers being offered the same pay rise would deliver greater flexibility in the bargaining process, to

Fight for a better Child Protection system today

  • 18 December 2023

Child Protection workers across the country have been trying to engage with their respective Departments about their workload for years.  Our message has been simple.  The system is stretched, workloads are unsustainable, we cannot provide adequate care to children in need, and we must adopt a national approach to staff shortages instead of stealing qualified practitioners from each other.

The Child Protection workforce is under immense stress and strain, with a severe shortfall in recruitment and an ongoing struggle to retain current practitioners.

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

  • 27 November 2023

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence has begun. The Walk Against Family Violence took place last Friday, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and it marks the start of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. The staggering list of women killed at the hands of ex/partners and family members is testament to the need for action on family violence. Family violence is a workplace issue.

Batt Joins Service Delivery Advisory Group

  • 23 November 2023

The Federal Government has established a Service Delivery Advisory Group (GSDAG) to provide expert guidance, consultation, and recommendations on matters relating to the design and implementation of Government Services. Minister Bill Shorten has invited CPSU/SPSF Federal Secretary Karen Batt to join the independent body of expert specialists tasked with providing advice to the Minister for Government Services and Services Australia.

Privatisation of NSW Jails reversed

  • 3 November 2023

NSW Labor will reverse the privatisation of NSW jails, with Junee Correctional Centre returning to public ownership for the first time in 30 years followed by the notorious Parklea jail in western Sydney.  The NSW government has confirmed the contract with US multinational GEO Group for the southern NSW prison will not be renewed after 2025. The government estimates that it will cost the state $75 million a year to operate Junee at full capacity.  Junee prison is one of the largest in the state, housing more than 1000 inmates, including more than 480 maximum security prisoners.

PS Bargaining Rights Ratification a Step Closer

  • 30 October 2023

Convention 151 which provides an international industrial framework for public sector workers’ to collectively bargain ensuring same industrial rights as private sector workers was the subject of a great discussion with officials from the ILO on Australia & Fiji government processes for moving ratification forward when we attended Global PSI meeting in Geneva earlier this month

Tax loopholes are 'stealing from next generation'

  • 16 August 2023

Tax loopholes that benefit multinational companies in Australia are “stealing from the next generation”, prominent unions have warned.  The Community and Public Sector Union told a parliamentary inquiry into multinational tax avoidance that many companies advising governments on various policies had been exploiting loopholes.  The union’s joint national secretary Karen Batt said a dangerous cycle was playing out in government policy-making due to the current tax loopholes.

Voice an affirmative action measure

  • 10 August 2023

Australia’s now 122-year-old constitution still doesn’t recognise our first Australians, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It’s time it did. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have asked that the form of recognition come through a Voice to Parliament, which will give advice on laws and policies that affect Indigenous people.
