The role of big consultants in government

  • 24 July 2023

All over Australia there are people who write applications for public money, and they must be asking questions about a huge swindle that has been growing over the past two decades under our noses.

In one world, if successful, these grants are subject to staged payments dependent on evidence of progress.  When they end, final reports are required, showing how funds were acquitted, and demonstrating outcomes.

But there is another world: the alternative universe of big consultancies doing government work.

Same Job Same Pay Laws to Fight Worker Inequities

  • 29 June 2023

Our current laws have loopholes that have been used by big business to devise new ways to get out of paying proper wages and entitlements. It’s simple. People working alongside each other doing the same job, should get the same pay. For example, Qantas has flight attendant on the same plane, doing the same job but being paid less than their colleagues because Qantas has gamed the system. This is just not fair.

Unfair contracts/Employee and Employee like/Sham contracting.

4% Pay Offer for NSW Public Sector

  • 8 June 2023

The NSW Government is offering to lift public sector wages by 4.5% in the next financial year, to be delivered via a 4% pay rise and the 0.5% increase in superannuation under the SGL in July. NSW will also create an interest-based bargaining taskforce headed by former FWC deputy president Anna Booth and former State IRC president Roger Boland. 

The NSW Government says the taskforce is to conduct its work with a view to:

Fight for fair wages, key to Labor win in NSW

  • 21 April 2023

The Australian Labor Party recently won the state election in New South Wales, Australia—a clear win for and by public services workers including PSI’s affiliates.   The unions’ fight  against privatisation, and their campaign for fair wages and better working conditions were key to this victory.  Unions are optimistic that the Labor Party’s election is the “first step towards meaningful reform” as the incoming government is “committed to repairing the systemic issues that have been hampering [the country’s] health services.”

Vote Yes for a Voice for our 1st Peoples

  • 27 February 2023

Constitutional recognition through a Voice to Parliament is a body enshrined in the Constitution that would enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to provide advice to the Parliament on policies and projects that impact their lives.  A Voice to Parliament gives the Australian Government the opportunity to make policies with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, rather than for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Voice to Parliament explained

No Turning Back on Flexible Work | ILO

  • 16 February 2023

Innovative working time arrangements, such as those introduced during the COVID-19 crisis, can bring benefits for economies, businesses, and workers, including greater productivity and improved work-life balance, according to a new ILO report.  The report, Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World, looks at the two main aspects of working time; working hours and working time arrangements (also called work schedules) and the effects of both on business performance and workers' work-life balance.

Your Super Needs Your Attention

  • 11 January 2023

Retirement may seem a long way down the track but the money you need to have for a decent retirement cannot be accumulated overnight.  We’re always paying attention to our wages: how much comes into our bank account and when, making sure we’re getting decent pay increases each year and saving up where we can.  But it’s rare we give our superannuation the same attention. It’s time to change that.  It pays – literally – to get on top of your super sooner rather than later.  

In four steps let’s start with the basics

Major Win for Workers

  • 2 December 2022

The Parliament has voted to pass the crucial Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill.  This is a major step towards ensuring workers can win better pay and more secure jobs – two things that are vital to reducing the impact of the cost-of-living crisis.  The Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill will now become the law of the land and start to benefit millions of workers.

This Bill is a significant step towards fixing our broken bargaining system and will provide millions of working people with greater access to bargaining, a system which should be the engine of wage growth in this country.

Federal Office financial statements published

  • 23 November 2022

Our Federal Office final financial statements with Independent Auditor’s Report have now been published for the information of members.  The Federal Office represents the common interests of members in policy and legal matters that are national rather than State based.  It has responsibility for representation of State public sector workers at the ACTU, and committees of that peak body, and all other national and international forums.

Impacts of work on mental health - Survey

  • 14 October 2022

There is a crisis in Australian workplaces which has fallen out of view during the pandemic, but requires immediate attention with more than a fifth of workers having suffered a preventable mental health issue in the last 12 months due to issues in their workplace.  A combination of staff shortages, pressure to work through breaks and lack of workplace support is leading to significant rates of work-related mental health issues, according to a new survey conducted by the ACTU.
